13.8 C
Thursday, July 25, 2024

Effect of Dead Weight in a Dragon boat

What is the effect of dead weight (weight you do not need) on the performance of a dragon boat? Many dragon boaters bring bottled...

Predicting The Performance of Your Crew

If you are small club, or are (re)building a club, it can sometimes be difficult to predict the performance of your crew due to...

Can 20 paddlers make a dragon boat 20 times faster than one?

You would think that if every paddler could produce the same amount of power, then 20 paddlers would provide 20 times more power than...

Finding the Ideal Stroke Rate

In this post we will talk about finding the ideal stroke rate for a crew. This ideal stroke rate can also be referred to...

Analysis of a Dragon Boat Race

It is the first Regatta of the season. A chance for teams to measure themselves under race conditions and see where they are at...

Thought Experiment: The Influence of Having a Bent Dragon Boat Paddle

A thought experiment considers a hypothesis, theory, or principle for the purpose of thinking through its consequences. Dragon Boating is steeped in history and, rightly...
Dragon Boat Race Start

Dragon Boat Race Starts

This post is going to discuss what a good race start looks like and why. It will also show you some different race starts. The...
Dragon Analytics - race start

A High Stroke Rate vs A Long Stroke

In this post I will attempt to answer the long standing question of whether a high stroke rate wins races or a long strong...

Laying it All on the Table

I am about to share with you one of the most useful pieces of information that a dragon boat coach would ever want. It...

How Fast Can a Dragon Boat Go?

Is there a maximum speed for a dragon boat? Has it anything to do with “hull speed”? And therefore, can we answer those questions...