So what is this dragon boating all about?
When looking to get into Dragon boating, you will be told by the experienced dragon boaters that it is a sport that is easy to learn, easy to do and easy on the wallet.
And this is true – ish.
Dragon boat club memberships cost a lot less than the average gym membership. The boat and a paddle are usually supplied by the club and all you need to supply is some crappy clothes and maybe shoes that you don’t mind getting wet.
You will be shown the fundamentals of technique and off you go. After a while you will adjust your timing to ensure your paddle is not cracking someone’s paddle or worse, someone’s elbow. There are a bunch of other paddlers in the boat so your effort can be solid and the boat still goes.
In a short time you will be racing in Regattas. Regattas are usually a local event so travel costs are negligible.
Easy to learn, easy to do and easy on the wallet. The End.
You fall in love with the sport and you want to go to the next level. You purchase your own paddle, a “bum mat”, maybe some gloves, specialist clothes. You scout the internet for tips on improving your technique, your strength, your fitness, your timing. You may sign up to a gym to get that extra bit of cross training. You now attend state titles (time off work), national titles (more time off work, airfares, accommodation), world club championships (even more time off work, airfares, accommodation) and even go so far as international championships (don’t even ask about the additional time off work, airfares, accommodation).
Where is this post heading you may ask?
If you decide to take your dragon boating to the next level, Dragon Analytics will provide you with all the information you need to improve your technique, improve your fitness, and purchase the right equipment at the right price.
So, do you want to take it to the next level? Then allow us to take this journey with you.
Photo credit: Photographing Travis / Foter / CC BY
Photo credit: mag3737 / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA